Experience @ LGM-SOC’21

2 min readAug 9, 2021


First of all , let me share a bit about what is LGM-SOC’21.

What is LGM-SOC?

LGM — SOC is an online program designed to encourage student participation in open source software development under the guidance of mentors from the open-source community. As it’s the present demand and students’ need, so we come with LGM-SOC. : letsgrowmore.in


  • All you need to be is a student ready to grab a learning opportunity
  • Accepted into or enrolled in a graduate program by the student’s acceptance date.
  • Eligible to work in the country you reside in.
  • It is absolutely free for participants.

How I came to know about LGM-SOC?

I found this open-source through the LinkedIn . I registered for LGM-SOC as a participant and got the confirmation mail that I have been selected.

LGM-SOC Begins

As this program was beginner-friendly, so there was a session on how to get started with Git and GitHub and how to make all the contributions. That session had cleared all the doubts which I had regarding the same.

The program started on 10 June, so I decided to work on the project with tech stacks with which I was familiar.

List of Projects , I contributed :-

1) Awesome Javascript Projects
2) Hacking Scripts
3) Musicophilia
4) Awesome Python Scripts
5) Daily-Coding-DS-ALGO-Practice
6) Athavani
7) Makesmathseasy

From 0 PR’s in GSOC to 15+ PR’s in LGM-SOC’21 , this is quite a wonderful journey for me .

The mentors of these projects were amazing, helpful, and were patient, they guided me on how to do all those stuff without hesitation, and finally, my PRs got merged.

I felt thrilled when my PRs got merged, which motivated me to get more of my PRs to get merged, and the most exciting part was seeing my profile on the contributor’s list.

I would love to participate in more events like this from Lets Grow More in the future.

Thank you,

→Link for the Lets Grow More website — https://letsgrowmore.in/
→Link for the LGM-SOC website:-https://letsgrowmore.in/soc/
→Link to my portfolio :- https://bit.ly/2VwVvU5




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